Welcome to the online home of the Evergreen Orff Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association. The Evergreen Chapter has been serving music educators in western Washington and the greater Seattle/Puget Sound area since 1976. We are a professional organization of music and movement educators dedicated to the creative teaching approach developed by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman.
We are joined by our belief that learning about music - learning to sing and play, to hear and understand, to move and create - should be an active and joyful experience.
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Featured Product
Join us for a fun night at the Woodland Park Zoo Lights! Come gain inspiration for your classroom from both nature and your fellow Orff colleagues!
This event is free, but please note that you need to purchase your own Zoo entrance tickets and parking. RSVP buy “purchasing” a ticket in the Shop
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Find out why becoming and member and getting involved is beneficial and how it helps our Western WA music education community!